So, here we go again. After getting turned back by bad weather twice, we had our last chance to make it to the peak this weekend. This time Walter and Charles came along with us too. It had only been 3 weeks since we had last been up the Bair's Creek Drainage, but the snow level had changed drastically. All the soft snow that we had struggled up through was now gone and left lots of bushwacking for us to contend with instead. I'm not sure which was worse.

This time the weather cooperated, and we finally made it to the top. We also got a couple great glissades in on the way down. So, despite this being our third time up there in a month, and getting real sick of the lower part of the route, it still turned out to be a great trip.

It sure looks a lot different without all the snow.

Brooke taking a break and looking up towards the peak.

Brooke and I aren't morning people, but with Walter along on the trip, we were persuaded to get up early. I guess we were rewarded with a nice sunrise...

Making our way up the bowl towards the headwall. The sunrise gave the snow a nice red color.

Brooke and Charles posing for a picture as we make our way up the chute on the headwall.

Walter kicking some nice steps for the rest of us.

Brooke just after making it up the headwall. Just a few weeks ago, we couldn't see any of those mountains up there.

Brooke and Walter scoping out the best route to the top. This is the first we've seen of the top despite being in pretty much this same spot 2 other times in the last month.

Brooke and Walter decided to head up the snow while Charles and I headed for the rocks. It was much cooler climbing up the rocks without the extra heat of the sun reflecting off the snow.

Walter and Charles getting close to the top.

Brooke coming up the final ridge to the summit with Lone Pine down in the valley in the background.

We finally made it! Me, Brooke, Charles, and Walter on the summit.

The view from the top towards Mt. Tyndall.

The glissade down from the top was great. The snow conditions couldn't have been much better.